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Face++ (Faceplusplus) – Real time face recognition API

Face++ (Faceplusplus) – Real Time Face Recognition API

Face++ have launched a new api for their face recognition application. Similiar to what facebook and google+ already use, you can now integrate this same functionality into your own webapps too.

To see how good it is I tested it against my photo on our website.

The face detection results identified my face correctly with a possible age range of 7 to 37, Male and White?

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-802" src="https://www click” alt=”2015-01-16 14_23_30-Demo detect _ Face++” width=”880″ height=”556″ srcset=” 880w,–300×190.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 880px) 100vw, 880px” />

On the plus side the search did not identify any pictures on the net that could possibly be me as it seemed to be confused with my Hollywood looks and Brad Pitt.

2015-01-16 14_24_13-Demo search _ Face++

The API looks straightforward and returns JSON formatted data.

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